Filter by Category: General

What is Drawing?


In this article I go in search of a better understanding of the meaning of the term "drawing"....

My Artist’s Statement, Annotated


This article provides insight into the most recent update of my artist's statement....

Coming Back to Painting After a Break


After spending the last seven years in Seattle, my wife and I have finally moved back to the east coast. I am now based in the suburbs of Boston, MA....

What Makes a Great Art Blog?


As I go through the process of reworking my blog, I jot down my thoughts on art blogs including a list of the things that make for good reading....

Safe Solvents in the Studio - Non-Toxic Choices for Artists


D-limonene is a safe alternative to turpentine and OMS in the oil painter's studio. In this post I discuss some of the benefits and cost of switching to this solvent....

How to Mount a Pochade Box to a Tripod


In this blog post I show an easy way to mount a pochade box onto a tripod using a few simple things that can be purchased at any hardware store....