Filter by Category: Chicken

Painting of a Chicken as an Abstract Figure
May 9, 2017
Chicken. 12x12, oil on linen panel. 2017 As I get ready for the summer shows, I decided to go through some old paintings in my studio to see if I can make them better. My goal is to reuse the ideas behind them. I'm doing this because our new dog needs babysitting and I'm finding it difficult ...

I'm Done With Clever Titles for Paintings of Chickens
Jun 30, 2016
Chicken. 12x12, oil on linen panel. 2016. Here's the latest off the easel. It's based on a study I did last month, which you can see on the blog here. I'm trying to get ready for an art fair/show in Seattle in early August, called Magnolia Summerfest. It will be the first real event I've done in the...

Sketch Marathon Day 21: Chickening Out
May 26, 2016
Looking Back. 8x8, oil on linen panel. 2016 I've been working intensely over the past three weeks to develop ideas for new paintings and most of these have been landscapes or seascapes. For a change, I decided to spend today on a sketch for a chicken painting that I've been meaning to do for a while...

May 4, 2015
Piletina. 12x12, oil on linen panel. 2015. More than anything else, I wanted this painting to be about the light and the way it varied in intensity from top to bottom and front to back. My starting point was a reference photo taken last year. There was out-of-focus chicken wire in the foreground whi...

Apr 15, 2015
Kuku. 12x12, oil on linen panel. 2015 This is one of those paintings that was stuck in my head and had to get out. The main idea behind the orange background was to do a painting that would complement the blue green in Portrait of 817. Although I didn't set out to have the orange so domi...