Filter by Category: General

Setting up the New Studio
Dec 9, 2015
I'm almost done moving in to the new studio in Ballard. This is a shot I took when I was halfway through. The studio has north light windows and I've put in some daylight LED bulbs above as work lights. I'm not sure their color rendering index is going to be great, but I think they will work when co...

Nov 24, 2015
As you may know, my wife and I have recently moved to Seattle, WA. I will be taking space in a new studio starting in December at which point I will resume my normal painting schedule.My email address, web site and phone number will all remain the same. You can get in touch with me at any time via m...

Almost sold out at Waterford
Oct 6, 2013
A great weekend at Waterford Fair with 9 paintings sold, including the paintings "Portrait of 798" and "Barnyard Dance". Thanks to all the volunteers who made this such a great show and the patrons who came out to participate over the course of the weekend....

The illusion of value in the shadows vs the lit areas
Nov 14, 2012
In this famous illusion that I've taken from Wikipedia, the value (that is, the darkness) of area A is exactly the same as the value of area B. This is really hard to see, even if you squint for all you're worth. Bear this in mind when painting lighter areas in the shadows - they are never as ...

More Website Updates
Aug 22, 2012
Well, a year kind of compressed into a day or two and I managed to get some of the CSS on the website straightened out. Everything should work consistently across all browsers, except for the background gradient in the header section which can't be implemented in IE until version 10....