Filter by Category: Instruction

Color Study for Workshop Demo Painting


Hannah Color Study. 8x10 oil on linen. 2015 For the people who have signed up for my workshop on 24th March I will be doing a demonstration painting using a photograph of my dog Hannah. If you would like to paint along with me please feel free to click on the  link below and download the image ...

Color Design Using a Sub Set of the Palette


Color chart for secondary and tertiary mixtures of phthalo blue, alizarin permanent, cad orange, cad yellow medium Sometimes when preparing to start a painting I have to put more thought than usual into the selection of colors. I've just started a small figurative painting of a child ...

A New Pochade Box


Some images and a brief description of a home-made pochade box....

Some Tips on Process and Methods for Painting Animals


Here's a link to a presentation I put together in preparation for a group demonstration on painting animal portraits.  In the end this presentation proved to be too long to use in its entirety, but there's a lot of useful info in here and I don't want it to go to waste. [This has since been rem...