Filter by Category: Portrait

Portrait of Flash: New painting step 4


  With the paint from the previous washes still wet I've started to apply the dark shadows using a mix of burnt sienna and ultramarine then I've applied a halftone right next to it.  I thinned the paint just a little and applied it with a sable brush....

Portrait of Flash: New painting step 3


In this stage I've basically started the process of separating the shadow areas from the lit areas.  I've done this with a thin wash of "faux umber", a mix of ultramarine, burnt sienna and yellow ochre applied very thinly.  After that I put in some of the half tones in the lit areas to hel...

Starting a new painting


  The start of a new painting.  24x30 in oil on Claessens #12DP.  I've outlined the horse in Conte crayon so that I can play around with the design and get the drawing down very accurately before putting paint on the canvas.  I've erased most of the lines I used to place the crit...