Filter by Category: Cow

Portrait of 817
Apr 6, 2015
Portrait of 817. 12x12, oil on linen panel. 2015 This is another painting on a medium texture linen. The surface is hard to photograph - a cellphone picture from the side shows the painting better than a head-on shot. The cow looks pretty much as she appeared in real life but the setting was too com...

Study of 806
Dec 8, 2014
Study of 806. 8x10, oil on linen panel. 2014. 806 was one of the young heifers at Rocky Point Farm in Point of Rocks, MD where I spent a morning in the pasture with the young cows. I've been meaning to paint this Holstein cow for the last 18 months and I plan to turn this small sketch in to a l...

Gearing up For the Fall Season, Continued
Sep 10, 2013
Portrait of 798. Oil on linen. 16"x16". 2013. For sale at Waterford Fair. This is the second painting I created for the Red Barn Art Exhibit at the Waterford Fair. This heifer was one of the herd at Rocky Pointe farm that I visited late last month. The abstract idea behind the painting w...

I found some Holsteins!
Aug 21, 2013
And they sent a welcoming committee: There were plenty of painting-worthy subjects in the herd. The patterns on his heifer were particularly eye-catching: The little white heifer was one of my favorites: I want to give a big shout-out to Chuck and Paula at Rocky Pointe Creamery and Farm for...