Filter by Category: Sky

Sketch Marathon Day 25: Late Evening
Jun 6, 2016
Late Evening. 6x9, oil on linen panel. 2016 In this sketch I experimented with a painting knife that I've had for over 10 years, but never used before. It's shaped like a putty knife with one of the corners cut off. The sky and color scheme are based on a sunset that occurred last week, although I'v...

Sketch Marathon Day 22: Listening to Obscure Podcasts
May 27, 2016
Ascent. 6x9, oil on linen panel. 2016 It was interesting to find how little color was needed to make this sketch work. I was expecting my palette to look like a peacock, but it ended up being full of grayed-out and browned-out piles of paint. The value range is just two or three value steps, I ...

Sketch Marathon Day 14: Back Outside
May 17, 2016
Edge of the Sound (plein air). 9x12, oil on linen panel. 2016 Back outside today to paint at Discovery Park. I first developed a handful of notan sketches using a marker pen. I chose my favorite of these and used it as the basis for the block in, then took the painting to completion from life. I mad...

Color Studies - Working Through Ideas Part II
Apr 13, 2016
Study: Meadows at One Trick Farm. 6x8, oil on canvas panel. 2016 Continuing on from yesterday's blog post, the other thing that helps me to decide whether a painting will work or not is to try it out on a small scale. Among other things, this lets me to figure out the palette I will use in advance, ...

Breaking the Ice with Leftovers
Apr 6, 2016
Trough Hill III. 6x12, oil on canvas panel. 2016 Procrastination is my forte. I've been finding other things to do for the past week rather than get back to the easel and start painting again. Since I was unable to get out of the house today, I decided to break the ice on the new studio and do some ...

Spring Gales
Mar 10, 2016
Spring Gales. 9x12, oil on linen panel. 2016 Working outside this morning took more fortitude than usual: 30mph winds make for a challenging environment. I tied everything down and stood in the shelter of a sad-looking bush that grows at the end of the beach. Despite all that, it was enjoyable to ha...