Filter by Category: Animal

A Simple Abstract Painting Technique


I struggle to create abstract paintings and I admire painters who can do it with what seems like little effort. I mean, how do you even conceptualize this stuff in the first place? In this blog post I explain an easy abstract painting technique....

Painting Animals in the Landscape


Throughout my painting career I've painted both animal and landscapes. Yet, combining the two has always been difficult. Over the summer I spent some time on a series of paintings with animals in them. In this blog post I talk about what I learned and my experiences in painting these pieces....

Three Alternative Ways to Paint a Green Background


In this blog post I present some options for handling the bright green backgrounds that often occur in reference photos of animals....

Use an Analogous Color Scheme for Black and White Subjects


Animals with black and white coloration are the hardest of all to paint. In this blog post I show some techniques for making them easier to handle....

Integrating the Subject of a Portrait with the Background


In this blog post I show some ways to make a portrait subject work better with a given background....

Brush Technique in Small Paintings


A discussion of my preferences for paint handling in portraiture and some techniques for better rendering of the features....