Filter by Category: Cat

Barn Cat
May 7, 2015
Barn Cat. 12x9, oil on linen panel. 2015. Composition and palette are fundamental elements of my work. Today I revisited an older painting that I thought would benefit from a different approach to both. The original panel was divided into a light half and a dark half. The barn door in shadow be...

A Sketch Portrait of Shakespeare the Cat
May 29, 2014
Shakespeare. 8x10, oil on linen. 2014 Last weekend one of the patrons at Upperville Stable Tour asked me if I ever painted portraits of cats. In truth I paint about 30 dogs for every cat I attempt, although I'm not sure why there is such a great imbalance. After dwelling on this for a few days I dec...

Barn Cat - the Original
Jan 25, 2014
Barn Cat. 12" x 9", oil on linen panel. 2014 I came across this cat at Oakland Green farm while plein air painting in the early fall. She just happened to be sitting in the way when I was taking photos of one of the barns. I played around with the composition slightly, especially the foregroun...

A Portrait of Ezekiel and Natasha
Jan 25, 2014
Ezekiel and Natasha. 20" x 20" oil on linen. 2014. This commissioned portrait was worked on for about 6 weeks from the beginning of December 2013 through the middle of January 2014 (I mention this as a note to my future self when I start to grumble about how long a painting is taking). Ezekiel and N...