Filter by Category: Painting

Gearing up For the Fall Season


Speckled Chicken. 12"x12". Oil on linen. 2013.  For sale at Waterford Fair. The first weeks of September find me getting prepared for the fall shows and fairs in which I participate every year. This season I will have my usual display booth at Bluemont Fair (Sep 21, 22) as well as having some w...

Plein Air Painting at Welsh Farm, Hamilton, VA


I painted this early in the morning and was facing the sun more than I prefer. The combination of sunlight and humidity helped to suppress the greens in the tree line....

Out in the Field


Unlike most of the landscapes I've done this year, I painted this one in the studio.  I painted the sky with a slightly red bias to contrast with the green grey of the barn (which in reality is white) and that enabled me to paint the shadows under the eaves of the roof with a purplish tone. &nb...

Another Small Sketch


Rock Hill Window.  Approx 4"x7", oil on linen. 2013 A small sketch done in the studio: I wanted to take a simple subject and paint it well. Most of my attention was given to paint thickness and edge work but there is also some color and temperature variation in the wall.  The whites have a...

Painting at Faraway Farm


Faraway Farm 2. Oil on linen, approx. 5" X 8". 2013. As you may know, I'm a member of Loudoun Sketch Club.  This plein air painting group visits some of the best farms, estates and other scenic places in the area, most of which are privately owned and I wouldn't otherwise be able to paint. This...

The Day After The Fair


The Day After the Fair, 8"x10" oil on linen mounted on board. 2013 A painting of Catoctin Creek at the Phillips Farm endowment at Waterford.  I painted this from a plein air study that I had done earlier in the summer together with some reference photos that I took the day after the Waterford F...