Fishing Boat WIP
Sep 19, 2016
Vampy (WIP). 12x12, oil on linen panel. 2016 You know it's been a long and difficult painting day when the trash bag that contains your discarded paper towels weighs more than the plywood panel you were painting on. This side view is a painting that I was working on and really struggling with today....
Meadow Land. A Re-Worked Painting
Sep 16, 2016
Meadow Land. 6x11 approx., oil on linen panel. 2016 Over the course of the year the reject pile in my studio has grown ever larger. Even though I often purge it of the truly bad stuff, it still holds more work than I'd like. To this end, I decided to split the pile into four smaller groups: Things ...
Darla R, Plein Air Painting of a Fishing Boat
Sep 15, 2016
Darla R (plein air). 9x12, oil on linen panel. 2016 I spent most of the day at Seattle's Fisherman's Terminal painting on the main dock. The morning started out overcast and gray which made for ideal painting conditions. Although I originally worked on a smaller panel, I came to my senses, scraped i...
Study: Mid Winter Sky
Sep 12, 2016
Mid Winter Sky. 5x10 ? oil on linen panel. 2016 This is one of those little sketches that I have sitting around the studio (actually, I have a pile of them) that I occasionally pull out and use as a reference. It's not a painting that I think I will ever sell: not only is it kind of abstract, it's a...
Plein Air Washington at the Center for Wooden Boats
Sep 10, 2016
Wooden Boats (plein air). 9x12, oil on linen panel. 2016. Saturday was my first chance to get out and paint with Plein Air Washington. We painted at the Center for Wooden Boats which is right on the south shore of Lake Union in Seattle. This painting is an example of why I usually try to avoid man-m...
Sep 6, 2016
Red. 11x14, oil on linen. 2016 This portrait of Red was finished last week. Like many commissioned portraits he got a few little tweaks once his owners had had a chance to see a preview of the painting. I used the Ned Jacob palette for most of the colors, together with some burnt sienna (mixed with ...