Filter by Category: Painting

Painting at Woodgrove Meadows
Feb 25, 2015
Sketch Club Painting at Woodgrove Meadows. 11x14, oil on linen panel. 2015 Beginning with a gradated color wash over a simple raw umber block that was already dry, I managed to finish the final layer of this painting in one (long) day. What drew my eye to this scene was the contrast o...

Beans in the Belfry
Feb 23, 2015
Beans in the Belfry 2. 9x6, oil on linen panel. 2015. Another small one done between working on commissioned paintings. I painted this scene previously on a scrap of linen, but by not paying attention to the size I ended up with something that was too small to be worth framing. ...

Re-work of an Existing Painting
Feb 19, 2015
Every so often I go off on a Quixotic adventure to try and rework or otherwise advance the look of a particular painting. The most favorable outcomes usually involve reworking from the design stage forward and starting with a fresh canvas. Sometimes things spiral out of control and I end up on...

Jan 29, 2015
Warlock. 22x18, oil on linen. 2015. This commissioned painting of Warlock is the third horse portrait of the year. I tried to paint the edges as dynamically as possible to create the illusion of depth and to make the head more prominent. There's also some sleight-of-hand occurring: I made...

Still Life Painting of an Apple
Jan 19, 2015
Apple Still Life. 6x8, oil on linen. 2015 I painted this apple from life in the studio just to play around with using abstraction to break up the form. In the end, I wasn't successful in pushing this as far as I wanted (it is hard to let go) but I thought the final result was a break from my usual w...

Pier 66 and Brusque (Final Versions)
Jan 19, 2015
Pier 66. 24x30, oil on linen. 2015 It is often hard to draw a line underneath your work and call it finished. I thought I had completed this portrait but the very next day I saw some areas that clearly weren't right. The day after that I made some more changes. For these conformation portraits of re...