Filter by Category: Painting

A Black Faced Ram


Black Faced Ram Sketch. 8x8, oil on linen. 2014 I painted this small sketch of a black faced ram at Weatherlea Farm in part because I wanted to try a creating something a little darker than usual.   I had taken a series of photos in the shadow cast by the large barn and there was only a trace o...

A Work in Progress - Across the River in Maryland -


Work in Progress: Jefferson, MD. 12x24, oil on linen panel. 2014.  The area of Virginia where I live is as green as a salad bowl in the summer months and there are few places with flat, open terrain and an unobstructed view of the distance.  Across the river in Maryland, the land is s...

Color Study and Block In for a Portrait of Grace


This week I started work on a new portrait.  Although I had taken about 100 photographs of the dog, Grace, and had several nice ones to choose from I decided that I could best paint her by combining two of the photos together: one was a good view of her head and the other was a good view of her...

Color Design Using a Sub Set of the Palette


Color chart for secondary and tertiary mixtures of phthalo blue, alizarin permanent, cad orange, cad yellow medium Sometimes when preparing to start a painting I have to put more thought than usual into the selection of colors. I've just started a small figurative painting of a child ...

A Plein Air Sketch: White Pine


White Pine. 8x6, oil on linen panel. 2014 I painted this small sketch on location at a home on Mt Gilead near Leesburg, VA. I managed to stop the painting at this point largely due to the intervention of another artist who made some nice remarks about the work in progress....

Morning Light


Morning Light. 16x20, oil on linen. 2014. I started work on this painting two months ago and left it hanging unfinished on my studio wall before revisiting the design and adding the sheep this week.  I spent a few hours on the sheep and additional layers of glazing and scumbling to bring it clo...