Filter by Category: Portrait



Jackson. 14x14, oil on linen. 2015 Like other portraits that I've recently completed, this painting of Jackson was done over several weeks.  I spent a lot of time trying to work out the design and did several color studies before I landed on a scheme that seemed to fit.  The colors used we...



Cheyenne. 11x14, oil on linen panel. 2015 Before staring this sketch portrait I made a note for myself to use delicate paint handling and keep the key at a high value. The portrait that I did earlier in the year, before she passed, of our dog Hannah was a great help in establishing the palette and o...



Phish. 16x16, oil on linen. 2015 With the studio tour over and done (and what a great weekend it was!), I realized that I needed to catch up on my backlog of work. Over the past week I've been locked away in my studio trying to get ahead with the five commissioned paintings that I've promised to do ...



Nimrod. 11x14, oil on linen panel. 2015 It doesn't start to feel like spring until I have a couple of rabbit paintings under my belt. This is one that was hanging around in our garden the other day. His ears looked like they had been nibbled by his mom when he was a youngster, so I gave them some pa...



Piletina. 12x12, oil on linen panel. 2015. More than anything else, I wanted this painting to be about the light and the way it varied in intensity from top to bottom and front to back. My starting point was a reference photo taken last year. There was out-of-focus chicken wire in the foreground whi...



Daisy. 12x12, oil on linen panel. 2015. This is another small painting for which I did a color study. Like many of my recent works, I spent more time on the edges than anything else. They helped to give the figure some life and prevent it looking like a cut-out....