Filter by Category: Horse

Recent Work: Dec 2018


Some new paintings done at the end of 2018. ...

Recent Work: Small and Square


In this post I show some new work on square canvases and talk about the design decisions resulting from this format....

Recent Work: May 2018 part II


This latest batch are the most recent paintings I've finished. It's interesting to look at them side-by-side because they look like they were done by different people....

Painting Animals in the Landscape


Throughout my painting career I've painted both animal and landscapes. Yet, combining the two has always been difficult. Over the summer I spent some time on a series of paintings with animals in them. In this blog post I talk about what I learned and my experiences in painting these pieces....

Painting a Horse at Ayrshire Farm


Shire Horse Charcoal Sketch (WIP). 14x20, charcoal on paper. 2017 As I've done for the past few years, I decided to start the year with an animal painting. I've had a horse that I saw at Ayrshire Farm in VA in my mind for a while and thought this might be a good time to see what I could do with him....

Late Morning


Late Morning. 12x12, oil on linen panel. 2016 I've been working at this painting on-and-off for a couple of months. Needless to say it has been through a few revisions by now, but I think it's finally reached a state where I feel comfortable showing it. Although this is strictly a studio work, it's ...